
We are the iModes team! It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

About us!

Bernstein iModes is a small company that sells a range of psychotherapeutic tools that help therapists make their work more effective. The iModes were developed by Professor Dr. David Bernstein, an expert on assessment and treatment of personality disorders.


The idea behind the iModes is: tools that bring a visual language that patients can use to tell their stories, putting them in touch with themselves, and allowing us to understand and connect with them. They help patients recognize and enhance their strengths, fulfill the emotional needs that increase happiness and life satisfaction, and help patients get in touch with their emotional states, the “modes” that are triggered in different situations.

Why do we need your help?

We are planning to produce audiovisual content in a couple of weeks. We are working together with a Belgian video production company (Cameraden) to create a series of instructional videos on how to use our products. Our requirements are: a female actor, between 25-35 years who is proficient in English.


In short, it will be an enactment of a therapy session, with David as the therapist and you as a patient coming to therapy. During the therapy session, you will talk about your psychological issues and David will educate you about your issues and will showcase various treatment techniques with the iModes. Hence, David will do most of the talking.


-When: on Tuesday the 22nd of September in the afternoon.

-How long?: about 2-3 hours (+ 1 introductory virtual meeting)

-Where: it will be shot in Maastricht near the MECC

Contact us!

Are you interested in this proposal? Please contact us via [email protected].
